Prospects Relationship Building

One of the most common challenges in sales is finding and establishing contacts with new prospects. Still, many businesses are suffering in their efforts to establish relationships with customers. They do not know when they start, where to go, how to follow-up and how to build strong long term relationships. The generation of clients' networks and references are some of the main ways to move forward. This training covers the best ways to detect potential customers, overcoming obstacles and setting meetings, including the use of the phone, e-mail, internet, building and further strengthening of relations till getting references and using them to reach new customers.

Our training " Prospects Relationship Building", covers the necessary strategies and tactics to detect and establish contacts with prospects, to use the network of customers and possible links and references to provide advancement and new businesses.

Among other things, participants will learn how to:

  • Start a conversation with anyone - how to break the ice and create a connection
  • Develop a value proposition and compelling reasons for making decision-maker be interested to meet you
  • Redirecting a value proposition via phone and email and setting meetings
  • Balance the relationship as a trusted advisor on sales and overcome "hurdle Gatekeeper”
  • Identify and build successful relationships with intermediary and request (and receive), more qualified references
  • Stay in contact and expand relationships with your customers to generate more results
  • Establish credibility, trust, and relationship, before the start of the sale process
  • Take successful experience in achieving meetings
  • Achieve to set meetings with the hard decision-makers, to build strong long term relationships that lead to new businesses and references

This training will be adapted to the industry, your products, and services and will significantly improve your skills or your team to higher results in sales.

ProspecTime is ready to help, you personally or your organization in improving performance in sales.

 Take the first step today to improve sales. Call +355 682038417 or send an email to to discover together how we can improve sales results in your company.