It's about... Having the right people, with the right abilities, in the right place, at the right time.

The purpose of consultations on Human Resources from ProspecTime is to help develop professional skills in the field of Human Resources, to individuals - employees or managers of organizations, so that they utilize all available opportunities and achieve results much higher.

All Human Resources activities try to make the organization a better place to work and better achieve its goals.

Human resource management (HRM) is a management function that has to do with the recruitment, motivation and retention of people in an organization. It focuses on people in an organization. Human resource management is designing management systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and efficiently to meet organizational goals.

The purpose of the Human Resource Management lies in:

  • All decisions, strategies, factors, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities and methods related to the management of people as employees in any organization.
  • All dimensions about people in their working relationships, and all the dynamics that arise from them.

While we think that the required services will be in accordance with the peculiarities of each client, our services generally focus on these areas:

Human Resource Assessment /Evaluations: Evaluation of Human Resource factors is the first step and very important in the development way. Individual or organization staff Assessments will help identify your strengths and weaknesses as individual, as organization and identify your employees or your team strengths and weakness, who have the capacity and will improve in the future, and the areas where they need to improve. Our assessments look at the features and capabilities by highlighting what can make the difference to the success of your team.

Consultations on Human Resources: There are four main factors that affect the performance of the organization - staff, organization, structure and the process. The first step of our work will be to assess your individual or organization, and then highlight opportunities to significantly improve the results, and finally, the construction of a plan to get there.

Training on Human ResourcesThrough training programs, we help individuals and organizations to increase the professional level, and consequently their performance to higher results in sales and profit. Our training programs, dealing with issues that cover the entire sales process, from the micro-organization and planning, market research / clients, presentation, negotiation and sales management.

HR Coaching: The difference between success and failure is the application of knowledge in the field or Coaching. By providing training in the field, we help individuals and companies to improve application of knowledge gained, and skills. Training managers so that they are able to train workers, to improve skills and increase confidence in the fulfillment of the objectives.

ProspecTime is ready to help you, you personally or your organization, to improve the performance.

 Take the first step to improving your organization today. Call +355 682038417 or send email to , discover together how we can improve the outcome in your company.